Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Every Summer Has A Story ( My OJT Experience)

“The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people” – Randy Pausch

How did you spend your summer? In the beach? In the other country/out of town? Or at home? Did you spend it productive? Did you spend the whole summer time very happy? 'Cause if you were going to ask me those questions, I will say yes. I did not spend my summer in the beach, other country and most of all I am not stay put in our home. I spent my whole summer at reputated company located in Makati City, the company was Development Bank of the Philippines. Why did I spend my summer here? It's because this summer 2016 is our Internship Program in our University. Let me tell the whole story of my adventure this summer.

It was February and March, this month is our busy months as a Third Year Students of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Management. Why? We are conducting our Feasibility Study, and that was not an easy task. We need to spend a lot of money to make it successful and worth it. We also need to prepare ourselves for our defense. By those months, we already know that we will having our internship this summer, and we would like to prepare about that, because that was another challenge for us after the feasibility study. On those months we are planning to find the right company where we can conduct our internship, we need to find a nearer place to our home so it would not be expensive in our transportation. But the plan was never did, because of the busy weeks. Examination weeks, feasibility study, defense, marketing proposal, and clearance. But we finish it all. We are now preparing for the events for our OJT, we also have to prepare a lot of money, because there's a lot of expenses. We have to prepare five (5) thousand, for the uniform, seminars and orientation, for the pinning ceremony, and for being enrolled on this OJT Program. We still have two weeks (2) to find the best company for our internship. But instead of finding the right company for us, we decided to take a rest for a little bit. Because we got tired physically and emotionally. But that relaxation reach until the first week of April. Instead of having a lot of time to find the better company, we are now running out of time. We should not take a rest that long. We need to find as early as possible. Because the second week of April is for our three days (3) seminars, and on Monday is our OJT Pinning Ceremony and in the following days is for the enrollment for OJT and Summer Classes. We are running out of time already, we should have done this before the day of the start of OJT. April 19, 2016 is the first day of OJT. But since we are not yet looking for the company, we decided to use the remaining days to apply everywhere. I applied at Tungkong Mangga Area, the nearest place from our home, but most of them refuse to accept my resume because of these following reasons: First (1), they are not accepting OJT's. Second (2), they are already over loaded. Third (3), they are only accepting applicants in the main branch. Fourth (4), if they accept our resume they will said that "We will just call you for the initial interview." Fifth (5), the person we are looking for is not around. Sixth (6), we are not fit for the job. Seventh (7), they are not accepting any positions. Eighth (8), they are not entertaining us. Ninth (9), I failed to passed the interviews and last the tenth (10) reason is because we didn't bring all the requirements needed, they didn't orient us for those requirements. We did not only apply at Tungko, we also applied at Fairview for the Teletech. We are expecting to be interview right after we passed our resume, buy we failed. They accept our resume but they will just call us. We also applied at Telstra they also accepted our resume and they said that let's just wait for a text or call from them. It’s too late to know that the resume's we have submitted that day was unsigned. And because of that, we are not expecting a call from them. That was a big failure for me. We lose the chance. We are just wasted our time and most specially our money. I feel very depressed by that time, because we have to find already as early as we can. Never surrender. Instead I applied online, the famous site for hiring. The Job Street, I applied to any company that are looking for internship, whether it’s Marketing or Accounting. The most important is to find a job. Then I received a lot of messages online and thru text. Those e-mails and message's says that they already scheduled me for an interview with the complete details of address and contact information. But the problem was its too far. Located at Makati and Ortigas. That was too far, so I decided not to go there. I also experience phone interview but I failed to pass it. It’s not really failed. I'm just not qualified because they were looking for a college graduate and definitely I'm not. And that chance has been gone again. As always. Then I continued applying at Tungko again, hoping that I can find nearer. Then I applied at Ibuzz, a transportation agency. They're accepting OJT but the person we are looking for is not around. And they just said, we will just call you. I know that it's already a failure. It's automatic. I am now starting to lose hope. A lot of interviews but I choose to refuse it. Then because I'm so desperate I asked for the help of my friend in high school. Her mother was working in a government institution. National Electrification Administration (NEA) is the name of agency. I applied here together with my friends/classmates. But I'm the only one who is accepted. I thought we will be all accepted but it's not. I am now thinking if I am going to continue it. Then we tried to apply again, and this time it’s much nearer in our place. It’s the MJB Meat Manufacturing Incorporated. We passed all the requirements and we have our initial interview and in the end they said that they will just call us for the final interview. A lot of things is now coming in my mind. A lot of what if's. Just like, now that I'm looking for a company to conduct my OJT is very hard to find, what if we already graduated? What will happen? I am keep on thinking positive things. I know there will be a right place for me, and it’s not yet the right time for me to know. Until one day I decided to check my email. I received an email from Remote Staff saying that they have scheduled me for an interview. It is the same place of my friend get hired. That's why I grab the opportunity before it’s too late. Even if it’s located at Makati City. I have no choice but to go there, just to find a job. I go there with my friend. Two of them will be applying walk in while the other one is already hired here. One of the reason why I grab it. This is now the start of the struggle. This is now the challenge. And the story really starts here. Nine o' clock was the scheduled time for my interview. Therefore at exactly six o'clock is our departure. Because of this, I realized how hard to face the reality. That the time is really important. Facing reality is not a joke, it has a lot of sacrifices, hard works, and a lot of money to spend.
I came on the company on time. Although I struggle so much. From the bus... and bus... and bus again. Why this happened? Because we don't know where we going or it’s already forgotten. The next struggle is the MRT (North Avenue to Buendia) I never expect the very long line of people just to reach their places. The struggle is really really real as soon as I enter the train. Face to face, back to back, smells each other’s breath, sweating and there's a possibility that you going to hurt each other. This was my first time and I never expect this. I feel healed when we get out, as we get outside we looks like very tired and haggard. So before we continue our journey, we fix ourselves first to look presentable. I thought this was the end of our suffering, but it was just the beginning. We walked so long, try to imagine that? Walk and cross the street, happened repeatedly. And finally we reach the company. We interviewed but in the end the said "We will just call you." I feel very very disappointed by that time, after all those things I experienced, that's what I'm going to hear? But I should accept the reality, that's what going to happen when we graduate, this was just the preparation. So we decided to eat after the advance failure. Then after that, since we bring a lot of copies of resume, we decided to apply everywhere here at Makati. We apply to the nearest bank and company, but they refuse us or they'd advise us to go somewhere. While walking down the road, a man asked me. "Are you a college student?", “Yes." I replied. "We are looking for a company for our internship." I continued. "Here come with me, I know something. There's a free lunch." He said. Then he led the way and we followed him, but his boss refused to accept us. Because they are looking for a college graduate only. Or not a student. But still, we accept the free lunch that turns to free snacks. Then we go. Then we continued applying somewhere, until something has caught our attention. The DBP (Development Bank of the Philippines). We inquire inside asking if they're accepting interns, then they said "yes". Then the lady at the lobby advise us to go to third floor. But before that, they asked for our ID's first before we get inside. When the elevator shaft open we get outside and we are looking for a person. (Unknown person, we don't know who were gonna look for.) Then a lady came out and entertain us. It's Ms. Ana Penuela from IGLF Department. She is the first one who entertained us, I thought that we will accepted but we did not bring all the requirements needed. They need the following: Resume, Recommendation Letter, and Good Moral. But we only bring Resume. Then she advised us to come back tomorrow early in the morning with the complete requirements wearing corporate attire. By that time, I don't know if there's an assurance that we will be accepted. Hoping for something that we didn't know if we'll going to happen. Starting to lose hope. We hurriedly fix the requirements needed so we can be able to go on time. Walk fast. We didn't encounter what we have encounter earlier in MRT.  Don't lose hope. Then when we reach the school, we divided ourselves into two groups. One will be getting good moral, the other one is for the printing of Resume and Recommendation Letter. The good thing is that we finished all the requirements on time. So happy. But still, the problem is, are they going to accept us? That's the big question in my mind now. When I get home, my mom scolded me. I understand her, that's why that time I didn't eat and just sleep. Hoping that tomorrow will be going to be better. Better than yesterday. I woke early that day, facing the same struggle. We reach DBP at 7:30, very early. So we wait for some couple of minutes before they allowed us to go. Then when the right time came, we go up third floor and they accommodate us really fast. Fix the requirements, then orientation. Then after that, they accepted us. And can start right now, right after the submission of requirements. The time has come. This is it. Welcome to DBP.
That feeling that you have already found the best institution that suits your personality and a place wherein you can more develop. That feeling wherein you find a company without the help of others, but trusting yourself. That feeling that after all the sacrifices and struggle you encounter, finally you get what you deserve. That feeling that your parents are proud of you because you are undergoing your training at a famous bank. That feeling that God never leave you, and He is always there for you no matter what happen. I must say that I really know the feeling. I really feel it. And that feeling is very fulfilling.
What is On the Job Training in the first place? Is it just part of the learnings in College? Us it just a financial burden? Or it is just a waste of time and must not given any attention because it’s useless? For me, this Internship us a great opportunity to expose us in the real world. It is a preparation and a practice after we graduated in College. And yes, it’s a financial burden but you will be able to learn something that you will never learn at the four corners of the classroom. In this Internship, you will be able to use the learnings and knowledge that your instructor taught to us for almost three years of staying in the University. In this Internship Program allows you to face the reality where in you can talk to the real professionals, and do task seriously. I must say that this OJT is complicated yet fulfilling. This is a way to improve and develop more in life. To gain new knowledge, to experience unusual and extraordinary. To be independent, the most important word. To stand on your own without any help of the other people, without depending on them. To become the better person as you can be despite the failures, rejections, and being ignored by the people around you, because they were thinking that you can't do it even if you can. All you have to do is to prove yourself to them. Do not let them accuse you on something that you didn't do yet. All I want to say is try something new, do not be contented on the position you have right now. Because life gets boring when you are staying in what you have right now. Let yourself to grow. Do not afraid to show the real you. We are all unique in our different ways. OJT is a great way to make your star shine like no other. A great way to practice on how it feels to be success in life ten years from now. Let your star shine bright.
My first week in Development Bank of the Philippines (Makati City-Main Branch) was very exciting. I was assigned at the Office of the Head – Development Sector. I got pressured because my Supervisor is an Executive Vice President: Mr. Benel D. Lagua. And his Executive Assistant was Ms. Abigael S. Vasquez. They were both good to me. Everything is new to me. From the people I see, from the task that their doing, until the type of the working environment. I don’t know how to interact with the people around the office. I don’t know if I can do the same things that they’re doing. I don’t know how things are going to be done. I don’t know the process. I know nothing at first. At my first day, Ms. Abi introduce me to Sir EVP Benel Lagua. By that time I got scared for unknown reason. At the same day she explained to me how things/works are going to be done. I understand all the things she have said, I just don’t know what to do or to how to start. Then she taught me little by little. She doesn’t pressure me. The task she was given to me for almost one month of staying here are the following: Receive documents (Documents that needed to be sign, for information or need to take action and just a draft letter), Logged documents (Use the DTS (Data Tracking System) to have records of the incoming and outgoing files in the office), Distribute Documents to other departments (In the same floor or in the other floors), Answer phone inquiries (The most hard part for me, because I don’t know what to say when they’re asking something), Make phone calls (Hard for me also, especially when there are follow up questions), Put dates on Mr. Lagua’s signature (For Offering Ticket and Credit Application Papers only), Send/Received/Forward Emails (Using Ms. Abi’s Lotus Notes), Filling/Organizing Papers, Photocopy papers (It’s really hard to use Xerox Machine for the first time, I thought I going to destroy it), Scan, Print, Typing, and other things that are related to office works. Talking to other staff and making fun with them. Answering their inquiries in person. Talking with a client if they’re looking for something or someone. Talking with a foreigner if ever. This is just the daily activities I am doing and I have learned. But if you were going to asked me what I think I learned in my one month of staying here is not about the activities I have done but also how to act in a certain situation and how to socialize with your colleagues. Everything is just normal for me as time pass by. I observe the daily routine of the employee’s every day. And most especially the daily task and routine that Ms. Abi usually do. And because of that observation I already adopt the day to day process. And I automatically doing it now without the supervision of my Supervisor. It’s now easy for me. It’s just normal for me. It’s not hard for me. I feel like that I am really an employee here although it’s not. And I really like it. I love what I’m doing. This environment is my ideal environment after college.

I have five unforgettable challenge and experience. The first one is being the one in charge in the office of Mr. Lagua. Because Ms. Abi is on a leave. I thought I wasn’t be able to survive in the whole day, there’s a lot of notes left in Ms. Abi’s table. It’s just a reminders on what I need to do and what should be given an attention. I got nervous because there’s a lot of papers left in Ms. Abi’s table. Documents that are ready to out. There’s a lot of papers came also, papers for signature, information, letter, and must take appropriate action. I can answer phone calls but it’s not that good. I don’t know what to say next so by that time I always asked for Ms. Liezel’s help. By that time, I feel that I was not an effective and efficient employee. But I know it’s normal to be like that at first. Then I thought that will be the last time to be in charge alone. But it happened again. This time, Mr. Lagua is out of town for IGLF Planning Conference in Batanes for three days while Ms. Abi is on a seminar for two days. Therefore I was in charge in Ms. Abi’s table for two days. This time it was easy for me. I know what to do and what to say in phone inquiries. It was easier because our boss is not around. I overcome those two days. I thought it will never gonna happen again. But it happened again. I was in charge again in Ms. Abi’s table and Mr. Lagua is already here from Malaysia. This time I was allowed to use her computer. To type, print, and logged papers. And this time I proudly says that I’m doing all things right. A little bit confuse but I manage to handle it. I know that I did my best. I know I am effective and efficient. I feel very happy that day because I done it right without the supervision of my boss. And this poem I made would tell what I really feel during my internship days. This is what I really feels.

By: Estrella, Rochelle P.

Unfamiliar faces can be seen
A place, position you have never been
A works and task that you have never done
Family bonding has been short and gone

But now, I'm enjoying what I'm doing
Realized that I need to keep going
I encounter a lots of negative
But I turn it all into positive

None will happen if you put yourself down
Don't let folks laugh at you, you're not a clown
It is your time to stand and move forward
It is all for you to get your reward

The OJT is a great opportunity
Let yourself involved in DBP humanity
An organization with dignity
All the employees here, has unity

This is one of a kind experience
Letting ourselves to boost our confidence
It will remain to our hearts forever
Forgetting it will happen, "NO NEVER!"

Now, I think I'm ready after college
I'll not letting myself to discourage
Learn to accept rejections and failure
Move on and focus on our future

The second thing I won’t forget was happened during the first time I was in charge in Ms. Abi’s table. The scenario was Mr. Lagua is expecting for a visitor that day. And I received a call from the inner court saying that Ms. Diana Almoro is already here. I hurriedly tell it to Mr. Lagua. Then a woman comes in our floor. I asked her if she’s Ms. Diana Almoro and she said yes. So I tell her to take a sit first and wait for Mr. Lagua. When Mr. Lagua came out he asked where the visitor is. I point out the women sitting in the couch. When I point her out she wave her head as a sign that she’s not the person who are looking of Mr. Lagua. She refuse. I don’t know what to feel that time. I feel so ashamed. The third one is when answering phone calls instead of saying “Good Afternoon” because it’s already afternoon I said “Good Morning”. Sometimes I said all the three “Good Evening, Good Afternoon, and Good Morning” a failure. I got nervous that’s why. The fourth one is when your boss caught you playing games on my phone. The fifth one is happened last Friday, I put the papers inside the office of Mr. Lagua and she caught me in action doing that. I feel like I’m doing wrong or a bad thing. I got nervous. This was just the most memorable thing I won’t forget of one month of staying here. I’ll never forget it.

I have learned a lot here. Not only the physical activities but also I learned something that I will never learned in the University. Let me enumerate the things I have encounter but I turn it all into positive things. In a work place you may encounter a co-workers that doesn’t look or sound good when talking. They may looks or sounds bad, but when you started to talked to them you’ll just realized that they’re nice. First expression last as always. There are time also that I got scolded of one of the employee here, I admit that it’s my responsibility so I understand. Instead of getting mad at them I just accept my failure and I correct it next time I encounter it again. The other one is that when I know to myself that I’m doing it wrong but my supervisors just ignored all those wrong things. Without asking them on how to make it correct I just use my observation again to make it correct. Interacting with other people is really hard for me, I don’t know how to act or say something to continue the conversation. But I know I improved it in this organization. It’s also because of the phone calls. I think I boost my confidence for the one month of staying here. Respect each other no matter what is your position in your organization. Act just like everyone is in the same level. Having unity in an organization is a good catch. Always smile whenever there’s a lot of task to be done. Help each other through up’s and downs. Learn to have fun despite of the busy schedules. Always say “Please” if you are asking for something. Always say “Sorry” for the things you’ve done wrong. Always say “Thank you” if they have done a favor from you. These is what I observe for a month. An ideal organization for all. It is successful because they’re all cooperative. They’re all love what they are doing. They are really passionate to their work. I learned how to be independent. Without depending my life to others. Accept failures and rejections for you to be stronger and much better than before. Always improve yourself. And this poem will tell you everything about growing up.

By: Estrella, Rochelle P.

Getting out in your comfort zone is an adventure
Because you will appreciate it like a treasure
In the real word, in life everything is a challenge
Every step, action and decision should have courage

Let yourself to grow, improve and be an achiever
In life, no pain no gain, you should be a believer
There's a problems and sacrifices, be a survivor
It is all for you, please do yourself a favor

There's NO FOREVER, everything is temporary
Every good vibes you face should put in a gallery
And look at it every time you feel weak, loss and tired
And when you succeed, tell yourself "I am glad I tried!"

In every beginning there is always an end. In every story there is always an end. In every suffering and sacrifices there is always an end. In every life there is always an end. Everything will comes to an end someday. And the end of our Internship in Development Bank of the Philippines is also going to an end. I will miss everything about it. I will be miss the daily task I usually do. I will be miss those persons who treat me nice. I will miss everything. I will be miss riding early in the morning, riding a bus for almost one hour. Riding a train with a lot of people inside smelling and pushing each other. I will be miss the big buildings surrounding our company. I will be miss going home late at night because it’s traffic. I will be miss running after the public transportation in the high way. I will be miss having fun in the office. I will be miss the smell of the food in the office. I will be miss the faces I see every day in the office. I will miss to feel nervous again because I saw my boss. I will be miss my table. The pink and Hello Kitty stuff of Ms. Abi in her table. I will be miss the staring eyes of Ms. Liezel every time she walk behind my table. I will be miss saying “Good Morning”. I will badly miss everything. Now that my internship is going to an end. I feel very sad, it’s because I have to accept the fact that I am now finish in this challenge. A challenge that I am wishing that last forever. Because I am enjoying it. I feel happy because I can sleep on time again, I can do my hobbies again, I will never get tired again because of the transportation, I can do all the things again that I can’t be done because I have to wake up early. This OJT is a great experience. I will never regret that I conduct my OJT in this organization. This is one of a kind experience to let our self to believe that we can do everything as long as you trust yourself. The DBP organization let us feel that we are really professional. I will never forget this. You are now part of my memories that I will treasure forever. Those faces I see, hoping to see you again after I graduate. Thank you for everything you have taught to me. Sorry for the failures I made. Hoping to see each other again. Thank you for the great experience you have let me to feel. Thank you for accepting me as your trainee. Thank you for everything. I will treasure everything I have learned here. You will never be forgotten.

Every summer has a story, a story that will marks in your heart forever. A story that teach you to be a better person. A story that is written in a paper and keep it. A memories that should be treasure. A story that you are the main character. A story that teach you a lesson. A lesson that will be use after graduate. Every summer has a story that going to an end. I learned a very important thing. If you want to get something, you must do your very best to make it yours. No matter what happen. Just believe.


  1. wahahahahaha rochelle πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ sorry naman. now i know what ur little notebooks are for. hehe ;)

  2. wahahahahaha rochelle πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ sorry naman. now i know what ur little notebooks are for. hehe ;)

    1. Luh? Ma'am.. Why oh why? Bakit mo binasa.. 😭😭


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